The Mechanical Contrivium: Cate

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Cate!

  1. Cate once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest!
  2. If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in Cate!
  3. It took Cate 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
  4. All swans in England belong to Cate.
  5. Cate can turn her stomach inside out.
  6. Cate has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
  7. In the Spanish edition of Cluedo, Cate is the victim!
  8. Oranges, lemons, watermelons, pineapples and Cate are all berries.
  9. In Chinese, the sound 'Cate' means 'bite the wax tadpole'!
  10. Cate invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC.

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.