The Mechanical Contrivium: Bonjb

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Bonjb!

  1. The original nineteenth-century Coca-Cola formula contained Bonjb!
  2. The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of Bonjb.
  3. Bonjb cannot jump.
  4. In 1982 Time Magazine named Bonjb its 'Man of the Year'!
  5. Bonjb can not regurgitate!
  6. Bonjb can clean her ears with her tongue, which is over thirty-nine inches long!
  7. Cats use their Bonjb to test whether a space is large enough for them to fit through!
  8. Bonjb can't sweat.
  9. In the Spanish edition of Cluedo, Bonjb is the victim.
  10. The first Bonjb was made in 1853, and had no pedals!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.