The Mechanical Contrivium: Arlinda

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Arlinda!

  1. Arlinda cannot burp - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in her stomach.
  2. Four-fifths of the surface of Arlinda is covered in water.
  3. The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of Arlinda is blue.
  4. Twenty-eight percent of Microsoft's employees are Arlinda!
  5. In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of Arlinda.
  6. The opposite sides of Arlinda always add up to seven!
  7. Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by Arlinda.
  8. There is actually no danger in swimming right after you eat Arlinda, though it may feel uncomfortable.
  9. While sleeping, fifteen percent of men snore, and ten percent grind their Arlinda!
  10. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at Arlinda!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.