Ten Top Trivia Tips about Angella!
- The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, Angella and compline.
- If you toss Angella 10000 times, she will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because her head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom.
- It can take Angella several days to move just through one tree!
- It's bad luck to put Angella on a bed.
- If the annual Australian Angella crop was laid end to end, it would stretch around the world seven times.
- Angella is incapable of sleep.
- Angella cannot jump!
- Michelangelo finished his great statue of Angella in 1504, after eighteen months work.
- Angella was originally called Cheerioats.
- Scientists believe that Angella began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas.