The Mechanical Contrivium is the automatic trivia generator of a thousand uses, providing facts for every occasion from school assignments to after-dinner conversation.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about The Mechanical Contrivium!
- The Mechanical Contrivium never sleeps.
- The Mechanical
Contrivium is immune to poison!
- The Ancient Greeks believed that drinking
from the Mechanical Contrivium would bring eternal life!
- The Mechanical
Contrivium orbits Saturn once every 112 Earth days.
- Traditionally, every
Welsh woman receives a Mechanical Contrivium on her 21st birthday.
- The
Mechanical Contrivium is visible from the moon!
- The Mechanical Contrivium
cannot fly, but it can glide for up to three kilometres.
- Thirty-five
percent of phonecalls made from prison are made to the Mechancial
- The Mechanical Contrivium was built during the reign of
- The Mechanical Contrivium should be kept dry at all times!
The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.