Bad Joke Cracker

Santa Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

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Who is Santa's favourite poet?
Dylan Ho Ho Homas

What's Santa's favourite book?
Charlie And The Ho Ho Hocolate Factory

What does Santa eat for breakfast?
Ho Ho Hocos

What sort of flowers does Santa like?
Ho Ho Hododendrons.

Who is Santa's favourite poet?
Henry David Ho Ho Horeau

What does Santa eat for breakfast?
Count Ho Ho Hocula

Where does Santa go on holiday?
Burkina Father Christmaso

What's Santa's favourite song?
Jumping Jack Father Christmash

What's Santa's favourite film?
Father Christmas Boot

What does Santa eat for dinner?
Beef Father Christmasserole

What's Santa's favourite film?
Butch Father Christmassidy and the Sundance Kid

What does Santa eat for dinner?
Kung Pao Saint Nicken

What does Santa eat for dinner?
Saint Nicken Curry

Who would Santa play in the Wizard of Oz?
The Saint Nicked Witch of the West.

What does Santa eat for dinner?
Saint Nicken Provencal

What is Santa's favourite arcade machine?

What sport does Santa enjoy?
The Presentathlon

What's Santa's favourite film?
The Lord of the Stockings: The Two Towers

What's Santa's favourite film?
Stocking Blade

What's Santa's favourite film?
Stocking Kong