Bad Joke Cracker

Performance Artist Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

Generate your own...
Just enter any subject (eg. "a ninja", "George W Bush"), and a comma-separated list of words or phrases related to that subject.
... is a LiveJournal username. lj
List of keywords:
Tip: Because the Generator uses comma separated lists, you can cut and paste a list of synonyms from, or anywhere else that's useful.

What's performance artist's favourite drink?

Where does performance artist go on holiday?

What's performance artist's favourite song?
Theatere the Streets Have No Name

What does performance artist eat for breakfast?
Theaterry Berry Nice

What's performance artist's favourite drink?

Who was performance artist's favourite US president?
Theaterald Ford.

Where does performance artist go on holiday?

What's performance artist's favourite film?

What's performance artist's favourite film?
Amores Theaterros

Who is performance artist's favourite poet?
Theaterard Manley Hopkins

What's performance artist's favourite fruit?

What's performance artist's favourite song?
Chocolaterloo Sunset

Who is performance artist's favourite poet?
Live Chickenry David Thoreau

What's performance artist's favourite film?
12 Angry Live Chicken

Where does performance artist go on holiday?
Live Chickenya

Where does performance artist go on holiday?
Live Chickenada

What does performance artist like to wear?
A Live Chickenchcoat

Where does performance artist go on holiday?
Live Chickentral African Republic

What's performance artist's favourite album?
Ladies And Live Chickentlemen We Are Floating In Space

Which chat show host would interview performance artist?
Jay Live Chickeno.

Who was performance artist's favourite US president?
John F. Live Chickennedy.

What's performance artist's favourite film?
The Empty Seat Dictator

What does performance artist eat for dinner?
Empty Seatloaf

What's performance artist's favourite film?
The Empty Seat Escape

What's performance artist's favourite book?
The Empty Seat Gatsby

Where does performance artist go on holiday?
Laurie Andersonduras

What's performance artist's favourite book?
Alice's Adventures In Laurie Andersonderland

What is performance artist's favourite game?
Laurie Andersonopoly

Who is performance artist's favourite poet?
Henry Wadsworth Laurie Andersongfellow

What's performance artist's favourite film?
The Laurie Andersonversation

What's performance artist's favourite film?
Laurie Andersonsters, Inc.

Where does performance artist go on holiday?
Laurie Andersong Kong

What's performance artist's favourite film?
Laurie Andersonnie Darko

What's performance artist's favourite film?
It's a Laurie Andersonderful Life

How does performance artist vote in an election?
Laurie Andersonservative.

What's performance artist's favourite dessert?
Victoria Laurie Andersonge

What's performance artist's favourite film?
Hable Laurie Anderson ella

What's performance artist's favourite album?
Sgt. Pepper's Laurie Andersonely Hearts Club Band

What's performance artist's favourite song?
Puppet Lucky

What's performance artist's favourite film?

What's performance artist's favourite dessert?
Puppetit Fours

Some keywords were skipped because they rhymed with other keywords: unconditional love and respect.