eBay Feedback Generator

Feedback about:
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Max characters (60-120):

Here are ten 120-character pieces of feedback:-

Excellent service. Service was great. Wish all sellers were this outstanding. A+++
An exceptionally good seller! Service was first-rate. Wish all sellers were this superb. A+!
Seller is superior! Service was super. Wish all sellers were this outstanding. A+
Would buy from again! Service was great. Wish all sellers were this excellent. A++
Seller is excellent! Service was first-rate. Wish all sellers were this great. A+++
Wish all sellers were this fantastic. Service was exceptional. Seller is first-rate and excellent. A++!
Seller is super and good. Service was great. Thanks. A+!
Service was super! Very, very pleased. Thanks. A+++
Wish all sellers were this superb. Notably pleased. Thanks. A++
Superior service. Immensely pleased. Thanks. A+

Implemented by Kevan at the suggestion of Matt Green, 24th April 2005.
Part of The Surrealist collection.