eBay Feedback Generator

Feedback about:
Details to mention:
 Quality  Speed
 Packing  Rating
Max characters (60-120):

Here are ten 80-character pieces of feedback:-

Item was of the most appalling quality. Packaging was horrible. Shoddy delivery.
Quality of item was dreadful. Delivery was immensely slow. Packaging was shoddy.
The item was bad and awful. Quality of the wrapping was appalling. Slow to send.
The item was terrible and horrendous! Horrible packaging. Notably slow delivery.
Item was of the most awful quality! Delivery was horrible. Horrendous packaging.
Item was of the most dreadful quality! Awful packaging. Immensely late dispatch.
The item was appalling and horrible. Packaging was awful. Delivery was terrible.
Item was of dreadful quality. Packaging was shoddy. Immensely sluggish delivery.
Item was of the most shoddy quality! Ever so appalling packaging. Slow delivery.
Bad quality. Packaging was horrible. Sluggish delivery. A very, very bad seller.

Implemented by Kevan at the suggestion of Matt Green, 24th April 2005.
Part of The Surrealist collection.