eBay Feedback Generator

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Here are ten -character pieces of feedback:-

The item was abhorrent and lousy. Very, very sluggish delivery. Frightful packaging. An ever so disgusting seller.
Item is of heinous quality. Offensive delivery. Quality of the wrapping was base. Disgusted. Seller is reprehensible and horrible.
The item was mean! Very horrible delivery. Quality of the wrapping was execrable. Scary seller. Seller is unkind and terrible.
Item is of grim quality! Exceptionally misshapen packaging. Late to send. Disgusted. Seller is scandalous and abominable.
Item nasty! Delivery was mean. Packaging was detestable. Have never encountered anyone so beastly. Seller is sickening and shameful.
Item grim! Horrible delivery. Rotten packaging. Service was deplorable.
Item is of horrific quality! Unseemly packaging. Notably sluggish dispatch. An ever so horrid seller.
Item was of the most terrible quality. The packaging was very plain. Delivery was remarkably sluggish. A very, very repulsive seller.
Item is of bad quality! Disagreeable delivery. Quality of the wrapping was frightening. Service was beastly. Seller is cursed and terrible.
Godawful quality! Packaging was beastly. Delivery was immensely sluggish. Exceptionally angry.

Implemented by Kevan at the suggestion of Matt Green, 24th April 2005.
Part of The Surrealist collection.