eBay Feedback Generator

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Max characters (60-120):

Here are ten 80-character pieces of feedback:-

Exceptionally terrible quality. Would not buy from again. Service was heinous. E-
Item was of the most terrifying quality! Very angry. Would not buy from again. E-
Immensely eerie quality! Have never encountered anyone so stinking. Disgusted. E-
Item was of obnoxious quality! Ever so angry. Disgusted. Seller is abominable. F-
Item was of atrocious quality! Remarkably angry. Disgusted. Seller is horrid. D-!
Item was of the most beastly quality! Have never encountered anyone so horrid. F-
Quality of item was base. Disgusted. Seller is loathsome. Exceptionally angry. F-
Quality of item was loathsome! Seller is offensive. Would not buy from again. F-!
Ever so horrendous quality! Seller is heinous. Exceptionally angry. Disgusted. F-
Item is of offensive quality. Disgusted. Seller is abominable and terrifying. F-!

Implemented by Kevan at the suggestion of Matt Green, 24th April 2005.
Part of The Surrealist collection.