eBay Feedback Generator

Feedback about:
Details to mention:
 Quality  Speed
 Packing  Rating
Max characters (60-120):

Here are ten 80-character pieces of feedback:-

Champion quality! Superior packaging. Delivery was remarkably speedy. Thanks. A+!
Item outstanding! Delivery was very fast. The packaging was remarkably ideal. A+!
Item is of optimum quality! Desirable packaging. Delivery was notably quick. A++!
State-of-the-art quality. The packaging was ever so exquisite. Fab delivery. A+++
Exceptional quality. Estimable delivery. Sterling packaging. Notably pleased. A++
Item was of the most exquisite quality! Fast delivery. Packaging was select. A++!
The item was superlative and elevated! Fine delivery. Very angelic packaging. A++
Item is of super quality! Exceptionally fast delivery. Attractive packaging. A++!
Item splendiferous! Very, very rad delivery. The packaging was notably pretty. A+
Item was of stunning quality! Superlative packaging. Ever so swift dispatch. A++!

Implemented by Kevan at the suggestion of Matt Green, 24th April 2005.
Part of The Surrealist collection.