Bad Joke Cracker

Artificial Inteligence Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

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Just enter any subject (eg. "a ninja", "George W Bush"), and a comma-separated list of words or phrases related to that subject.
... is a LiveJournal username. lj
List of keywords:
Tip: Because the Generator uses comma separated lists, you can cut and paste a list of synonyms from, or anywhere else that's useful.

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
Computerminator 2: Judgment Day

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite dessert?
Lemon Computeringue Pie

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
The Computerminator

Where does Artificial inteligence go on holiday?

Where does Artificial inteligence go on holiday?
Bosnia and Computerzegovina

Where does Artificial inteligence go on holiday?

Who is Artificial inteligence's favourite poet?
Henry Wadsworth Persongfellow

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
It's a Personderful Life

What is Artificial inteligence's favourite day of the week?

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite dessert?
Victoria Personge

What does Artificial inteligence eat for breakfast?
Personey Nut Cheerios

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
Personty Python and the Holy Grail

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
King Persong

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
Indiana Persones and the Last Crusade

Where does Artificial inteligence go on holiday?

What is Artificial inteligence's favourite game?

Where does Artificial inteligence go on holiday?

Who was Artificial inteligence's favourite US president?
Personald Reagan.

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite album?
Persondon Calling

What's Artificial inteligence's favourite film?
Twelve Personkeys

Where does Artificial inteligence keep its money?
In a Personey box.