Bad Joke Cracker

OneNote Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

Generate your own...
Just enter any subject (eg. "a ninja", "George W Bush"), and a comma-separated list of words or phrases related to that subject.
... is a LiveJournal username. lj
List of keywords:
Tip: Because the Generator uses comma separated lists, you can cut and paste a list of synonyms from, or anywhere else that's useful.

What's OneNote's favourite song?
MindManagere the Streets Have No Name

Where does OneNote go on holiday?
Bosnia and MindManagerzegovina

What's OneNote's favourite film?
Amores MindManagerros

What's OneNote's favourite film?
The MindManagerminator

Who is OneNote's favourite poet?
MindManagercy Bysshe Shelley

Where does OneNote go on holiday?
MindManagerbia and Montenegro

What's OneNote's favourite drink?

What's OneNote's favourite film?
Reservoir Blogs