Bad Joke Cracker

Bisqwit Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

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Just enter any subject (eg. "a ninja", "George W Bush"), and a comma-separated list of words or phrases related to that subject.
... is a LiveJournal username. lj
List of keywords:
Tip: Because the Generator uses comma separated lists, you can cut and paste a list of synonyms from, or anywhere else that's useful.

What's Bisqwit's favourite dessert?
Megamanoffee Pie

Where does Bisqwit go on holiday?
Megaman Marino

Where does Bisqwit go on holiday?

Who is Bisqwit's favourite poet?
Megamante Gabriel Rossetti

Where does Bisqwit keep its money?
In a piggy Megamank.

Where does Bisqwit go on holiday?

Who was Bisqwit's favourite US president?
Ulysses S. Megamant.

Where does Bisqwit go on holiday?
Sri Megamanka

What does Bisqwit eat for breakfast?
Megaman Flakes

What's Bisqwit's favourite film?
The Megaman Who Shot Liberty Valance

What's Bisqwit's favourite film?
Tas Boot

What's Bisqwit's favourite song?
Jumping Jack Tash

What's Bisqwit's favourite fruit?

Where does Bisqwit go on holiday?
Burkina Taso

What is Bisqwit's favourite flavour of ice cream?
Taspberry ripple.

What does Bisqwit eat for dinner?
Tasta with Sun-Dried Tomato-Olive Sauce